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Sand collection 砂糖魚子醬派對凝膠系列 🎨 S01-S09

Regular price
NT$ 3,330.00 TWD
Sale price
NT$ 3,330.00 TWD
Regular price
NT$ 3,700.00 TWD

— Sand color collection/砂糖魚子醬派對凝膠系列 — 4g * 9 colors (5g的瓶子/內容量4g)

<2021-色膠顏料添增色素及增強添加Smooth Technology技術>

S01 sandy snow極地白砂
S02 sandy butter 奶油白砂
S03 sandy almond 杏仁卡其砂
S04 sandy melon 杏黃燕麥砂
S05 sandy blush 裸粉砂
S06 sandy mulberry 桑色砂
S07  sandy mint 淺薄荷砂
S08 sandy smoke 煙灰砂
S09 sandy sesame 黑胡麻砂 

<Made in Japan/全日製>

🤎—The newest and finest version!! (2021)—
In our second generation, the latest technology is being used in our gel for your smoother painting experience. Lets beautify nail world!! 💅🏻The gels are suitable for blending, painting and single full color all of the colors are inspired from my recent works ! the perfect color for your customer!!!

(Sand color need to stir before use)






